Sihang Zeng’s Personal Webpage

About me

  • PhD student at Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education, University of Washington
  • Research Interests: Biomedical Informatics; Machine Learning for Healthcare
  • Other Interests: Skiing, Hiking, Traveling, Photography


  • Ph.D. student in Biomedical Informatics, 2023—
  • B.Eng. in Electronic Engineering, 2019—2023
    • Minor: Statistics
    • Tsinghua University, China
    • Advisor: Bowen Zhou (Chair Professor), Sheng Yu (Associate Professor)
  • Exchange, 2022
    • KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


  • Jun 2024: I serve as a reviewer for ICML 2024 Workshop AI4Science.
  • Jun 2024: Our paper “UltraMedical: Building Specialized Generalists in Biomedicine” is available on arXiv.
  • May 2024: Our paper “CoRTEx: Contrastive Learning for Representing Terms via Explanations with Applications on Constructing Biomedical Knowledge Graphs” is published on Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA).
  • May 2024: I join Fred Hutch Cancer Center as a graduate non-employee and will work with Prof. Ruth Etzioni on the predictive models of prostate cancer using EHR.
  • Jan 2024: I join VA Puget Sound as a Without Compensation (WOC) research assistant and will work with Prof. Steve Zeliadt on the analysis of Whole Health in VA.
  • Dec 2023: Our paper “CoRTEx: Contrastive Learning for Representing Terms via Explanations with Applications on Constructing Biomedical Knowledge Graphs” is available on arXiv.
  • Oct 2023: Our paper “Large Language Models are Zero Shot Hypothesis Proposers” is accepted by Instruction Workshop @ NeurIPS 2023 as a poster presentation.
  • Oct 2023: I serve as a reviewer for Instruction Workshop @ NeurIPS 2023.
  • Sep 2023: I join University of Washington as a Ph.D. student in Biomedical and Health Informatics, and will work with Prof. Gang Luo on predictive models using EHR.
  • Jul 2023: Our paper “Hierarchical Pretraining for Biomedical Term Embeddings” is accepted by Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics & Biostatistics (CIBB) 2023 as an oral presentation.
  • Jun 2023: I’m graduated from Tsinghua University with a B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering and a B.S. minor degree in Statistics.
  • May 2022: Our paper “Automatic Biomedical Term Clustering by Learning Fine-grained Term Representations” is accepted by ACL 2022 BioNLP Workshop as a poster presentation.
  • Mar 2022: Our paper “BIOS: An Algorithmically Generated Biomedical Knowledge Graph” is available on arXiv.


  • Top Scholar Award (fellowship awarded by University of Washington), 2023
  • Arts Excellence Award (scholarship awarded by Tsinghua University), 2022
  • Comprehensive Excellence Award (scholarship awarded by Tsinghua University), 2021
  • Comprehensive Excellence Award (scholarship awarded by Tsinghua University), 2020


(1 indicates equal contribution)

  • Kaiyan Zhang, Sihang Zeng, Ermo Hua, Ning Ding, Zhang-Ren Chen, Zhiyuan Ma, Haoxin Li, Ganqu Cui, Biqing Qi, Xuekai Zhu, Xingtai Lv, Hu Jinfang, Zhiyuan Liu, Bowen Zhou, “UltraMedical: Building Specialized Generalists in Biomedicine”, 2024, Preprint. (paper, code, huggingface)
  • Huaiyuan Ying, Zhengyun Zhao, Yang Zhao, Sihang Zeng, Sheng Yu, “CoRTEx: Contrastive Learning for Representing Terms via Explanations with Applications on Constructing Biomedical Knowledge Graphs”, 2023, Preprint. (paper)
  • Bryan Cai1, Sihang Zeng1, Yucong Lin, Zheng Yuan, Doudou Zhou, Lu Tian, “Hierarchical Pretraining for Biomedical Term Embeddings”, 2023, Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics & Biostatistics (CIBB oral). (paper, huggingface)
  • Sihang Zeng1, Zheng Yuan1, Sheng Yu, “Automatic Biomedical Term Clustering by Learning Fine-grained Term Representations”, 2022, ACL 2022 BioNLP Workshop. (paper, code, huggingface)
  • Sheng Yu, Zheng Yuan, Jun Xia, Shengxuan Luo, Huaiyuan Ying, Sihang Zeng, Jingyi Ren, Hongyi Yuan, Zhengyun Zhao, Yucong Lin, Keming Lu, Jing Wang, Yutao Xie, Heung-Yeung Shum, “BIOS: An Algorithmically Generated Biomedical Knowledge Graph”, 2022. Preprint. (paper)
  • Haolin Zhang, Maokun Li, Fan Yang, Shenheng Xu, Yan Yin, Hongyu Zhou, Yubo Yang, Sihang Zeng, Jianchong Shao, “A Feasibility Study of 2-D Microwave Thorax Imaging Based on the Supervised Descent Method”, 2021, Electronics. (paper)